Nilsson Sings Newman Acetate

This acetate of Nilsson Sings Newman was spotted on a Japanese auction site and whoa boy was it a toughie to get hold of. The seller would not respond to my entreaties to please consider selling to someone outside of Japan but I was determined and where there is a will, there are often people to help.


While I was sure the seller would be impressed with my dazzling ability to use Google Translate, my suspicion was a native speaker might get further. Thankfully, a kind former colleague agreed to act on my behalf. Many emails were sent. Much pleading was done. The auction clock was winding down and we didn’t seem to be making much progress but then little glimmers of hope. Eventually, the auction did end and we’d still not come to an agreement. One of the biggest hurdles with purchasing records from many Japanese sellers is the payment method. It seems bank transfers are most common, but only from another Japanese bank account. On this occasion however, the seller finally relented and thankfully agreed to use Paypal. With payment method settled, everything fell into place and now another piece of Nilsson history sits on the shelves and has been added to this archive.